Sports Evo - scam! Compensation to partners.
Compensation paid.
The project stopped payments. The current amount of the fund is 500 $ + VIP fund for depositors from 500 $.
I am waiting for reports, we send them through a bot or a special form for compensation:
August 15, 2019
Payment received, thank you.
August 18 2019 12: 21
Operation ID: 844605933
Type of transaction: Transfer
Status: Done
obtaining Amount: $ 1.00
Thank you for compensation.
Thanks for the compensation for the Sports evo scam. Received $ 1,9 for the RM U1 wallet ... ..60
Thank you for your payment!
10: 04 18.08.19
Receive 276427128 U12287794 Tim + 1.4
Received Payment 1.4 USD from account U12287794. Memo: Sports Evo loss compensation from the portal
Sports Evo received compensation
Transaction 14.00 USD on U18732342 account has been successfully completed.
Number operations #: 276426498
Time: 08.18.2019, 09: 58
payment is received
Compensation received for Sports Evo in the amount of 2 570.54