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Become closer to the celebrities with the TokenStars platform - it's easy!

TokenStars Is a large project aimed at attracting players, promising advertisers from around the world. The creators of the platform plan to organize the largest base of sports and entertainment fans. These participants, in the course of their own activities, will be able to earn and spend tokens with maximum benefit. Thanks to a fundamentally new approach to the development of the celebrity project, fans, as well as advertisers, will be able to effectively solve the main problems existing in the industry.

Key players

The following groups of participants can be identified, which form a niche for TokenStars users:

  • fans: today the balance between the media, as well as fans and celebrities changed noticeably. Modern fans do not want to follow the activities of their idols from the outside. They have a desire to communicate with them, to consider the events taking place and, if necessary, to criticize their work;
  • celebrities: regardless of the field of activity, every professional will agree that the development of a career is influenced by the attraction of additional funds. Accordingly, celebrities need effective methods to find new fans, sponsors;
  • advertisers: brands actively search for new ways of developing projects, attracting the audience. In this case, simply adjustable tools that can be used to run small and large advertising companies are needed.

TokenStars provides a software solution to attract the maximum number of users. At the same time, all participants of the platform are encouraged to conduct active activities. Modular block-platform helps to choose, and also to combine various blocks for achievement of the put purposes.

TokenStars Architecture

The TokenStars platform has 12 modules. Thanks to them you can carry out active activities in the project. These modules can be divided into 4 additional levels:

  • level of kraudraffing;
  • Infrastructure level;
  • level of fan aggregation;
  • level of brands, advertising.

The special TokenStars constructor helps to move, to combine the listed modules in the desired way. As a rule, such an opportunity is especially useful for solving problems of various kinds. One of them is to establish full-fledged communication with fans, scouts and promoters.

Features of the TokenStars platform

Celebrities often appear in video clips, various print publications. Unfortunately, sometimes the established agencies develop insufficiently active professionals. In this case, some opportunities for rapid growth are lost. Service TokenStars allows you to strengthen the status of a celebrity, as well as increase the number of its fans. The platform provides celebrities with the following benefits:

  • increased interest of the audience;
  • possibility of signing advertising agreements;
  • strengthening the image, increasing the value of contracts;
  • getting additional profit for new advertising projects.

The most successful projects of brands, celebrities bring a million profit.

Another opportunity offered by the TokenStars service is the development of new talent. Members between the ages of 8 and 18 may receive funds for the following purposes:

  • payment for study in a vocational school;
  • payment of a series of trainings with the best coach;
  • recording their own videos, attending auditions;
  • purchase of a musical instrument, equipment for sports.

Lack of sufficient funding is a common problem. Many celebrities encountered her in her youth. TokenStars provides strong support for aspiring talent. For this, advertisers are involved, promising sponsorship contracts. Thanks to this, young athletes, dancers, presenters can remain in their own professional industry.

Opportunities for fans

Service TokenStars improves, as well as expands the perception of fans of various sports accidents. This group of users earns, willingly spends the Crypto currency, thereby exerting a positive influence on the career, the success of celebrities. The platform is also popular due to the fact that it allows fans to become much closer to their idols. They will appreciate the following benefits:

  • holding auctions with branded goods;
  • interaction with the stars in real life, in online mode;
  • the organization of fantasy tournaments: allows you to choose the best scouts between tokenholders;
  • voting on the most important issues: updating contracts with scouts, approving new participants;
  • the possibility of holding contests among participants with prizes: rewarding with proprietary things, tokens.

All of the above actions are carried out using TEAM tokens. The higher is the activity of fans, so the cost of crypto currency will be higher.

Attract advertisers

Leading brands are trying to find the most active audience and effective advertising formats. Service TokenStars allows all brands to reach the audience, increasing the success of advertising companies. Unique technical means of service guarantee the best advertising opportunities, namely:

  • a third-party ad server allows launching advertising;
  • a data management service for analysis, obtaining audience data will help to implement the campaign;
  • the use of exclusive information about the audience to launch advertising will allow you to program advertising campaigns.

Smart contract helps to monitor the effectiveness of the campaign, as well as pass on to advertisers statistics through a solution that was created by the company. Clever contracts lower the costs of partnerships through the absence of intermediaries. Thus, a clear price policy is provided. Each advertiser can know the prices, and also the list of rendered services.

Tokens TEAM

The TEAM tokens are the basis for the interaction of the platform participants. This crypto currency uses the Etherium protocol, it corresponds to the special ERC20 standard. Its release is conditioned by the need to further develop the ecosystem economy. Crypto-currency provides transparent interaction of participants within the boundaries of the TEAM community.

TEAM token serves as a tool for accessing the TokenStars service. Due to this, token holders get the right to participate in the events that are held in the system. TEAM tokens are an internal cryptocurrency. It is a form of settlement in various transactions between participants. Thus, it will be possible to avoid many of the problems associated with the use of maternity funds. TEAM tokens can be used as follows:

  • for the purchase of tokens on exchanges, crypto-currency;
  • TEAM tokens are used to reward participants for solving various tasks;
  • for taking part in ICO TokenStars: the offer is limited to the number of tokens that are created on the crowdsdale.


In December 2017, the launch of the Blockchain platform started. In February 2018 year the sejl-Team was completed. In March 2018, a list of tokens was made on the largest exchanges. During the first three quarters of the year 2018 specialists plan to develop modules for effective interaction of participants, conduct voting. In the fourth quarter of 2018, contracts will be signed with a dozen celebrities.

Distribution of tokens

60% - for ICO

20% - for community development

20% - for team members


P. Stukolov - Director

Shashkina I. - Head of Marketing

E. Potapov - specialist in the field of new product introduction

Denisov A. - the creator of smart contracts

Zach M. - head of the crowdsale

The TokenStars ecosystem will supply fans, celebrities, advertisers with all the necessary incentives and tools for full interaction. TokenStars is a one-of-a-kind program designed to profit from collaborating with celebrities.

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