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Unique Sequence - launch of the Bounty program and an unlimited protection fund for 1000 $.

Kind time of the day, dear partners and guests of our portal. I hope you are already familiar with the project, which started a couple of weeks ago. If not, then it's time to pay attention to it, because in addition to the investment program with perpetual marketing, now there is a chic possibility to receive generous rewards, performing simple tasks for the new Bounty program. Below we will cover all the nuances for getting bonuses, but first of all we want to also inform you that for the partners of the blog the administration allocated 1000 $ to the general insurance fund on an unlimited basis.

So, the average profit project Unique Sequence (off site: was launched 12 February 2018 year. In a short time, the site managed to take its place in the dense market of hyip-investments and to attract investors' attention at the expense of qualitative preparation and competent development. External strict form of the resource and its content are very impressive. In technical terms, you can also notice only the strong side that is characteristic of industry leaders.

The popularity of the project is growing, investors are actively interested in it not only from our blog, but also from the entire network space. Marketing here is quite simple and is represented by a single plan with perpetual charges of 2.2% per day from the deposit amount. In principle, we have already analyzed all the features previously, so we suggest simply reading the detailed review of the project

From today, our partners' investments in the project have become more secure through the addition of indefinite insurance fund 1000 $. The general fund is 1500 $ to 15.04.2018 year, after this date you can always count on compensation in the amount of 1000 $ at any stage of the fund's termination.

Recently, to popularize the project, the administration has prepared a new section on the site with the Bounty program, where each participant can earn additional reward for a few simple actions.

To participate in the Bounty and receive bonuses, each user must first fulfill a number of mandatory conditions, and then proceed with the tasks:

- register on the site
- connect to the official channel in Telegram
- like the group Facebook
- subscribe to a group in VKontakte

If these simple compulsory requirements of the company are met, then you can proceed to the fulfillment of the goals. For each social network, separate assignments with payment have been developed. Let's look at each task in order and what it takes to get a reward.

1. Facebook application

Your Facebook account should be created at least 3 months ago.
The number of your friends should be more than 300 people.
In the description of your account profile, attach your referral link.
Account and publications on your page in social. networks should be public.

Goals and bonuses:
$ 1 - for reposting a record from the official page to your own.
3 $ - record your video feedback about the company and upload the video to Youtube.
+ 10% to the deposit - to make a video with the creation of a deposit from $ 100 live.
$ 3 - to make a video recording with the withdrawal of funds from the project.

2. Twitter application

Your Twitter account should be created at least 3 months ago.
The number of your friends should be more than 300 people.
In the description of your account profile, attach your referral link.
Account and publications on your page in social. networks should be public.

Goals and bonuses:
$ 3 - for reviewing the company on your Twitter account.
3 $ - record your video feedback about the company and upload the video to Youtube.
+ 10% to the deposit - make a video with the creation of a deposit on the air.
$ 3 - to make a video recording with the withdrawal of funds from the project.

3. The program for VKontakte

Your account on VKontakte should be created at least 3 months ago.
The number of your friends should be more than 300 people.
In the description of your account profile, attach your referral link.
Account and publications on your page in social. networks should be public.

Goals and bonuses:
$ 1 - for reposting a record from the official page to your own.
3 $ - record your video feedback about the company and upload the video to Youtube.
+ 10% to the deposit - to make a video with the creation of a deposit from $ 100 live.
$ 3 - to make a video recording with the withdrawal of funds from the project.

As you noted, the requirements and goals are identical for each social network and do not represent anything complicated. All videos must be downloaded by yourself on YouTube. After meeting all the conditions, submit your report to If you confirm that you completed the tasks, the bonus reward will be credited within 2-10 days. If there are any comments, the administration will notify you, indicating the reason. In total bonuses can receive the first 1500 participants who submitted applications for the report after the news repost (according to 500 people in each social network).