Zularix - scam! Compensation to partners.
Compensation paid.
The project stopped paying. The actual amount of the fund - 500 $.
I am waiting for reports, we send them through a bot or a special form for compensation: https://www.profit-hunters.biz/zakazat-kompensatsiyu/
Thank you
03.01.18 21: 29 Received Payment 13.6 USD from account U12287794 to account U143 ***. Batch: 207067496. Memo: Compensation for Zularix losses from the portal Profit-Hunters.biz
Thank you for compensation
Thank you very much for your compensation.
Date of intervention: March 02 2018 00: 40
Operation ID: 505280138
Type of transaction: Transfer
Status: Done
obtaining Amount: $ 4.25
Comment: Compensation for losses Zularix from the portal Profit-Hunters.biz