Extra income from $ 100 per week - no risk.
This is real.
RN Bounty blog has been helping our active partners earn great money for the second year now.
Details and conditions: RN Bounty
To create a New Year mood, we have updated the Bounty program.
1. Bonuses for blog stickers in chats.
When unsubscribing about payments in Telegram chats, place Profit Hunters stickers.
Ragnar will select the 5 most active members every week and pay an additional $ 3 bonus to each.
Link to blog stickers:
2. 10-30 $ for a video review of the Profit Hunters blog.
We are very interested in your opinion about the blog and wishes for our work.
Once a month, you can record a video review with an honest review of your personal experience with the blog
Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get to know the RN blog?
Tell us about the pros of blogging.
How much do you earn on investments and bonuses?
Tell us about your experience of earning money on the Bounty program.
What do you dislike about the blog? How would you improve your blog?
For anonymous video review without recording a person's face, we are ready to pay a $ 10 bonus
For a personal review with a personal opinion of a person, when recording with an open face - $ 30
You can record 1 review every month. We are interested in your opinion.
I reserve the right to refuse to pay for the bonus (explaining why).
If you record a creative, interesting video review with editing, I can increase the bonus amount to $ 300 (at my discretion).
The blog reserves the right to publish your review on their social networks.
3. Winter Bounty avatars.
We have prepared a festive New Year avatar pack for the Bounty.
Add new avatars, greet the holidays with a great mood!
If you have been working with us for a long time and are active in chats, you can apply for bonuses for an avatar.
Our Bounty chief Ragnar: @ Saf77777