ICO Telegram - what is TON and why is Durov a blockbuster?

Many companies that have earned fame long before the emergence of crypto-currencies and block-crap, now and again look towards these technologies. They do not miss the opportunity to find a second wind for themselves in blocking innovations, or to collect investments, and therefore often we hear that this or that world-famous company conducts ICO. But when to conduct a crypto-currency crowdshooting Pavel Durov decided, a general excitement began.
Why Durov ICO Telegram?
Pavel Durov is known not only for his eccentricity and creation of the largest social network in the CIS "Vkontakte", but also over the encrypted instant messenger Telegram. In 2013, a talented developer and successful entrepreneur offered the world a cross-platform messenger that safely stores confidential correspondence of its users. And though the messengers were launched both to Telegram and after him, but the success of Durov's offspring surpassed all expectations - by the state for 2017 year the number of users of the client reached 180 million.
From the above, you can draw two conclusions: the name of Pavel Durov after such significant projects is simply associated with success, and the dynamics of the increase in the number of users of Telegram confirms that in the future it will only grow. It is well known that the content of the beloved "cart" for its owner costs in a round sum of 13 $ million per year. And since the messenger does not recognize the advertisement, the money must be taken from Durov out of his own pocket. Even if we take into account the fact that the developer costs his product in big money, the idea of crypto currency crowdsfunding seems quite logical.
What do we know about ICO Telegram TON?
Most of the information that is available and known to the public has arisen from rumors and conjectures. Initially, the presentation part of the White Paper of Telegram was written into the network, it was written fairly competently and consistently, and therefore thoughts about the reliability of the document nevertheless arose. Against the backdrop of general excitement, Pavel Durov remained silent, coming into contact with the media only at the time when all sorts of scammers started haypitsya due to this ICO. While Durov was in a state of guerrilla silence, scammers did not hesitate and actively organized fundraising in the guise of selling those very Tokens of Telegram.
On the part of Durov, the game of silence continues, and investors' interest in the project is only growing. Already by today's estimates, it is expected that ICO Telegram will become the largest in the history of the industry and attract the largest amount of investment. It is hard to imagine, but it is worth waiting for that ICO will collect several billions of evergreen dollars, which by the standards of the current krauseylov is simply cosmic money!
At the moment, only one thing is known reliably - ICO Telegram still will and is expected from him something revolutionary not only for Internet business, but also for the market Block-products in general. In the meantime, it remains only to guess and confide in Anton Rosenberg, a former employee of Vkontakte, who confirms that long before the current events, Durov spoke about Telegram's exit to ICO.
Telegram Open Network (TON) - features
From a technical document that penetrated the network (or was intentionally made public?) It is known that the Telegram Open Network should become not just a messenger with cryptotenes support. In addition to monetizing the messenger, we are offered a whole system of money transfers, a marketplace, an advertising platform with a variety of functions. At the same time, optimists boldly declare that TON is a blockade of the third generation, which will constitute worthy competition bitcoin and the etherium. Some sources even call the Telegram Open Network "the death of the Etherium." But for now it's too early to judge about this, because we have not been given detailed information about all the technical gadgets of the new revolutionary blockbuster.
We can assume that the TON system will work on a multi-level block system, which will result in transactions in milliseconds. In parallel, the network will be designed not only for financial transactions, but also for the development of applications and their implementation. ICO. In general, the updated Telegram will have such functions:
- Will become a full-fledged payment system with its own currency.
- Allows you to safely store files in a distributed database.
- Thanks to smart contracts, it will be able to support third-party applications.
- The updated Telegram will sell and purchase applications, which confirms the comparison of the future project with the Google Play and the App Store marketplace in white TON papers.
ICO Telegram - how to participate?
How that ICO will take place is not known for certain. From the scattered information, we can only establish that in total it is planned to mint 5 billion tokens called Gram. Of these, 44% will be sold, the rest will go either to the developers, or to some kind of reserve fund. Nobody knows at the moment when the sale will take place and how, so if you are offered to buy grams anywhere, then you are dealing with real scammers. There are versions that in general, access to the sale of Telegram tokens will be closed to mere mortals.
About the upcoming ICO the following is known:
- Only fiat funds in dollars and euros will be accepted.
- The price of tokens will gradually increase by millions of shares with each coin - from 0,1 $ to 0,9 $.
- All tokens purchased at a discount will be subject to freezing and their sale will be possible after a year and a half.
There is a version that pre-sales are currently being conducted among the so-called "whales", in the form of large companies and institutional investors. According to preliminary estimates, there will be a lot of buyers wishing to become buyers. Nevertheless, there is no exact information on this, and Durov himself says that if any sale is to take place, then everything can be learned from the official website of Telegram. We still have to wait and not trust all those who are trying to make money on the name of the famous messenger.
Does ICO Durov expect success?
While there have been no official statements from Paul himself, it will not be entirely correct to make any forecasts. Many are inclined to the idea that ICO this is the only chance for Durov to preserve Telegram's independence and not flood it with advertising. At the same time, the developer himself has repeatedly stated that there will never be an advertisement in the messenger, he will never be sold, and his monetization should be expected in 2018 year. If you think logically, carrying out the sale of tokens and switching to a block system is the only way to keep your word. By the way, Durov himself expressed himself very favorably about the crypto-currencies and even said that it was the future behind them. Therefore, there is an unambiguous conclusion that ICO Telegram still worth waiting for, because it is logical that otherwise, Durov would disown him with all his might, and not just keep quiet.
Even the thought, unconfirmed by any direct facts, caused a real stir in the crypto community and in business circles. Many have started talking about the fact that this event will be able to divide the existence of block-space to "before" and "after", as it happened in due time Efiriumu. Do not even doubt that if Durov really wants to spend ICO, then the demand for tokens will be simply rabid, and their sale will end prematurely in a very short time.
If we judge what fate awaits the future platform TON, then you can expect anything. Paul Durov himself is known for his abilities not only in creating projects, but also in their successful conduct. If the developer really takes to conquer the blockbuster industry, then we should expect a lot from him. The implementation of the project described in white papers will create an entire ecosystem, which automatically has 180 million users. Another question is, will regulators allow such a platform?
It would not be fair not to recall that in the past there were messengers who used crypto-currencies and this experience was very successful. For example, WeChat, which implemented NEM in its work, contributed to its instant rise in price by 150%. In the case of Gram, one should expect further growth of the coin, if only because it has practical application in the famous instant messenger. But while in this story there are more questions than answers, so it remains to wait for Pavel Durov to reveal his cards.
15 February, 2018