Perfect Money
Perfect Money - a global payment system created with the aim of conducting secure non-cash payments on the Internet and making high-yield investments.
The system was presented to the public in the year 2007. Legal registration of the company held in Panama, and the employees and the headquarters are located in Zurich, Switzerland.
Perfect Money payment system was created as for secure payments in b2b. But despite the small expectations, the system proved to be a great potential. Features of the system turned out to be ideal for businessmen engaged in extremely risky high-yield investment (HYIP).
Wallet payment system Perfect Money is recommended to make all investors, for whatever reason, to conceal their identity and income, since it is independent of the government services of all countries, except for Panama. Blocking of accounts is only available after a local court decision. Over time, while hearing the case, you can safely withdraw money.
On the balance of the account is charged 4% per annum, and at the end of year accounts is assigned to the premium status, opening additional opportunities.
procedure of registration
Join Perfect Money does not last more than 5 minutes. Filling the personal data is not necessary, but is highly recommended. Verify your account is not necessary. Entering actual data is welcome, because if you lose access to your account to recover it without real information will be quite difficult.
Registration Perfect Money
- We enter in the browser line. Go to the wallet creation page. We fill in all the necessary lines, paying special attention to the lines with an asterisk.
- The system offers 2 species accounts for the business and for the average user. One option is perfect for companies and entrepreneurs, the second - for all.
- Do not forget to take a client agreement and continue with the registration.
- Once you confirm the registration data pressing the button, you will be sent to e-mail ID.
- Enter the ID on the login page, duplicate the box, come up with a password and fill in the captcha.
- It is exerted in a private office.
The account assigned to us available to us about the security level of the information on the account movements, the settings available purses, etc. Perfect Money provides access to the inside of classified mail for conducting secure correspondence.
Score Perfect Money is a set of numbers and letters at the beginning 1. wallet name is automatically assigned, you can not choose.
January 19, 2017
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est-il vraiment necessaire de verifier le compte? car pour ma part je n'ai pas de passeport or j'ai vraiment besoin du compte pour poser mes investissement.
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Esqueci a senha da minha conta
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do not rush to withdraw, catch the course.