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On.Live platform - a new stage of multimedia projects


Every day we use online content, whether it's games, movies, chats, watching videos, video chatting, etc. Development On.Live allows users to provide virtually any service from anywhere, and this can generate revenue for representing valuable content in various business models.

Why did you need to create this kind of product? According to market analysts' estimates, the online services market is growing at a very high rate. This is because the number of consumers of these services is constantly increasing, and innovation activity is moving only forward. The content and channels for its implementation is growing.
The purpose of creating this kind of product - to become a market leader in live consulting platforms where the client will always find a team of professionals and valuable content to provide easy access to their knowledge base. The platform is creating an integrated ecosystem based on blockchain technologies that allows you to sell services through live streaming and posting of content live - online, and then sell it to a wide audience at agreed prices.

Here, too, a block is used to manage transactions and settlements. The platform itself functions in real mode for exchange, trade and transactions. Live services provide providers the opportunity to offer their own services to anyone who needs them. They make it possible to schedule live broadcasts and display them online, chat and make payments.

Several markets are combined in one project. Firstly, it is the ability to transmit live broadcasts. For work, there are all the necessary tools to communicate with both broadcasters and observers. You can create group broadcasts, or single, and if the services are of high quality, there is a possibility of monetizing the activity. Secondly, it can function as a live service. Moreover, you can become a viewer of broadcasts of events around the world. Thirdly, this is the market for binary coding and radio relay elements. Moreover, anyone who has access to the Internet can become part of the development and take part in it (individuals and legal entities). 

Several markets are combined in one project. Firstly, it is the ability to transmit live broadcasts. For work, there are all the necessary tools to communicate with both broadcasters and observers. You can create group broadcasts, or single, and if the services are of high quality, there is a possibility of monetizing the activity. Secondly, it can function as a live service. Moreover, you can become a viewer of broadcasts of events around the world. Thirdly, this is the market for binary coding and radio relay elements. Moreover, anyone who has access to the Internet can become part of the development and take part in it (individuals and legal entities). 

The principle of operation is quite simple. A representative of live services generates its own channel and broadcasts it to its audience. Users who receive services pay for them, as well as access to content.

There are other ways to profit from the platform. This is a system of offers and reservations. There are loyalty programs. You can receive donations in real time during broadcasts. Users have the opportunity to leave live broadcasts. This guarantees an additional option for receiving money for broadcasters. If the user is satisfied with the service that he used during a separate live session, then he or she can leave a response after the end. Broadcasters on the air also have the opportunity to receive feedback from their loyal customers during the broadcast.


First half of 2014 - the beginning of the design. The idea itself arose back in 2009, but then there was no technological or technical equipment to implement the idea.

Second half of 2014 - technological tests. Signing contracts for the start of work. Domain protection and launch of MineMind company.

First half of 2015 - development of functional web applications. Development of the first version of the Rills engine and testing it on the gaming site.

Second half of 2015 - a token payment system is being developed within a blockchain-based technology. Subscription of agreements on the use of electronic money, also based on the blockchain. Further, the presentation of the project to potential investors during the summit, participation in an international charity auction.

First half of 2016 - beta version. Launch of OnLive LTD in the UK and cooperation with Trade and Investment. Acquisition of capital for the development of the project and start of the redesign.

Second half of 2016 - the beginning of work on mobile applications. Website redesign, analysis of the respective US and UK markets. Optimization of the project.

First half of 2017 - joining the GEP program. The project has been selected as the most promising from all over Eastern Europe.

Second half of 2017 - preparation for pre-sale, team selection, inviting participants for investment, strategy implementation, budget planning, teamwork, domain acquisition.

The beginning of 2018 is the establishment of marketing and communication activities. Gathering the team. The launch of pre-sale and ISO, moreover, the distribution of funds waiting in line at crypto exchange stations. Preparatory activities for the launch of the platform.

The second quarter of the year 2018 - the launch of the platform, the introduction of the first mass of users in the United States and England. Launch an individual broadcast module. The token becomes an indispensable part of the platform, since it is used as the payment currency for broadcasts.

In the third quarter of 2018, the broadcast started. Possibility of payment by any means.

Q2018 XNUMX - General integration of activities into other sectors increases the number of users. Pilot launch of broadcasts on iOs and android. Setting up mobile applications for one-to-one development.

The first half of 2019 is decentralization and openness in the flow of ecosystems. The ability to create any application based on online. Allowing participants to contribute capacity and bandwidth for processing, encoding and distributing video content.

The second half of 2019 is open source. Allowing any user to send live content to the Internet, translate it into other types and bitrates, moreover, the possibility of selling it.

First half of 2020 - full decentralized live services and any uncensored public broadcasts. Allowing attendees to contribute their capacity and bandwidth to handle transcoding and video distribution.

Tokens ONL

Tokens are built on smart contracts ERC-20. The maximum offer is 111 million units. It is easily converted and is liquid for exchange transactions.

This crypto currency allows you to make transactions directly in the ecosystem and can not exist indirectly. Thus, this is the only possible payment option in the project. Of course, as in all crypto projects, the number of users and the cost of tokens directly depend on each other, that is, the more players, the higher the liquidity of coins.

12 million 210 thousand coins are available for pre-sale, and 61 million 50 thousand coins for ICO. All unsold coins are burned. The pre-sale has already ended successfully. ICO starts on March 11, 2018 and will last exactly one month.

55% is intended for sale;

11% for pre-sale;

11% - reserve;

11% - to the founders of the project;

6% - bounty campaign;

5% - advisers-consultants;

1% - insurance.

Use of funds is as follows:

Those who directly provide their own services on the platform, profit from its functionality. The developers also offer assistance in attracting the client base.

How do I pay for different services? First, it is private consulting services. They do not represent complex operations on the platform, so they can be offered for free, or for a certain symbolic value. Here everything is discussed and solved. Blockbuster technologies and others allow to level risks and provide guaranteed payment on the part of the consumer and guaranteed remuneration on the part of the service representative. If services cover a large number of players, then the company offers several options for monetization: a subscription without restrictions, or an hourly (per minute) fee.

Core team

Chris Rybka is the founder of the project. More than 17 years involved in the telecommunications and IT industry;

Anna Krysak is a co-founder and manager. Experienced manager with a master's degree in information technology;

Daniel Bayer - CEO. Extensive experience in private sector business development;

Simon Polock - coding and development. Seventeen years of experience in the design and creation of web servers and applications for various information systems;

Powel Josik is a supervisor. Co-owner of FutureMind - mobile and web software;

Igor Farafanov - designer, consumer experience supervisor. Ten years of experience in their field;

Adam Ochmansky is the supervisor of the administration team. IT administration specialist;

Chris Janik - Control and Finance. Eleven years of experience in financial management;

Viktor Zolnovski is a blockchain expert. Twelve years of experience in IT and business development;

Cuba Stefanski is a blockchain expert. Nine years of experience in software development and trading and financial platforms;

Pavel Masizhevski is a software development manager. Manager, programmer and team leader. Application developer;

Michael Zhasinski is a legal advisor. A lawyer with extensive experience in banking, finance, mergers and acquisitions.

You can get more detailed information about the team members on the official website of the project at the address:, and also to contact each of them in LinkedIn and by mail.


For updates, news and achievements, follow On.Live in social networks:









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Outcome of the review

Thus, the project represents an excellent multimedia platform not only for watching video content and live broadcasts, but also for earning. The newest technologies allow us to demonstrate the highest quality of broadcasts. Thanks to partners and its uniqueness, the project is quite promising, and the sale starts already now, so success!

* Our BTT account -;u=1473358;sa=summa