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Smart Expert and Wexelon - SCAM! Compensation for partners.

Compensation paid.

Projects stopped payments. Current amount of fund - at $ 300 for each project.

I am waiting for reports, we send them through a special form for compensation:

We kindly request all those who are waiting for compensation, to be patient until next week. Presumably on Tuesday, October 13 2015 years, all payments will be made. This is due to the fact that the portal administrator Profit-Hunters aka Bona (Ilia) is now out, some urgent matters can write him in to Skype. The most impatient, already sent in their applications before the release of this news, do not need to re-send!

5 reviews for "Smart Expert and Wexelon -! Settle the payment partners."

  1. Avatar photo profivest:

    Thank you! payment is received !!! all big profits

  2. Avatar photo Alexbul:

    The User, news SCAM project has whole portal that visitors are aware of. Remove banners can only administrator, but as you can see from the posts on your post he is away until next week.

  3. Avatar photo User:

    You may want to remove Smart Expert advertising from the site, not to confuse visitors?

  4. Avatar photo Alexbul:

    profinvest, if the request was sent in the form, so be sure to get it.

  5. Avatar photo profinvest:

    Wexelon deposit 150 fraction. Receiving payments from the project and 53 refbek 10 85 USD USD negative. It would be super to get compensation. Thanks in advance