A profitable investment in the purchase of digital land on the Arcona platform
Arcona Is a new reality system based on Blockchain technology. It unites the real as well as the virtual worlds through an additional layer - the digital earth. This makes the user's experience with the environment more solid. You can use the platform in different parts of the world. Interactive content provided by the service is associated with the surrounding landscape. Without leaving reality, users of the Arcona system can appreciate all the advantages of advanced virtual technologies.
The project participants can buy digital land. Possession of it allows you to create, and also earn considerable money. Using the opportunities of the global system, land can be sold, bought, and leased. They can also host commercial and advertising projects. Advertisers and other interested users transfer funds for using someone else's digital land.
Features of creation
The development of the Arcona project is carried out by a team of professionals from PiligrimXXI. Since 2015, its specialists have been spending efforts on research on the dissemination of 3D stimulants, as well as geographic information systems, and augmented reality technologies. Arcona is the first travel-related IT startup. At the same time, he specializes in virtual reality.
The developers of the Arcona project provided all tourists with the opportunity to travel physically in space, as well as virtually in time. Today, several parks have been launched, which are complemented by virtual reality. Using their own smartphone and headphones, travelers can appreciate the masterpieces of architecture from the past in real time. Users are also invited to become an eyewitness to the historical event of interest.
Arcona System Features
Further, the key features of the Arcona system will be considered:
- remote installation: the Arcona system allows you to create virtual designs in different parts of the world. In this case, participants do not necessarily leave their own home. It is enough to choose the most interesting and visited places that exist on the planet. On digital earth, you can create your digital worlds that fully meet the creator's requirements;
- profitable trade: a large-scale market with the Arcona ecosystem is open to all users. Digitized land can be bought, sold, and also leased to other participants. Thus, it is possible to earn large sums of money on one's own creativity. At the same time it will turn out to embody the most unusual, fantastic content;
- copyright protection: a smart contract (in the Blockchain system) is a reliable tool that guarantees the protection of property as well as copyright. Payments are automated by the system and are promptly transferred to the owners of digital materials, copyright holders. Accordingly, there can be no problems with their violation.
Features of the Arcona platform
Ecosystem of Arcona form such elements:
- platform;
- data warehousing;
- landscape stimulant;
- geoinformation system.
Information stored in a digital data warehouse is used to form digital lands. The content of the repository is monitored by the creators of the material. The owner of a virtual land plot with certain coordinates applies the content to organize the space (in accordance with their own wishes). Remote publications allow you to attract traffic, earning money on this.
Advantages of the Arcona system
Digital land is a key value in the Arkona ecosystem. The terms of its use are enclosed in Ethereum smart contracts. The purchase of land can be carried out using special tokens that meet the ERC20 standard - arcona. The main advantages of the Arcona system for project participants can be highlighted:
- Benefit of acquiring digital land: Owning a virtual piece of land can be a unique experience for creative people. It must be said that this type of activity is a profitable business for experienced and budding entrepreneurs. Depending on personal preferences, the participant can improve the appearance of the lawn located opposite his house in digital reality or launch a large commercial project located hundreds of kilometers from the house;
- the ability to set your own rules on the site: each meter (lot) of digital land corresponds to an exact location in the real world. Its owner can set his own rules. A virtual territory is a property that the owner can dispose of according to his own taste;
- the right to organize various events: shows, games, all kinds of presentations, as well as virtual shops. To draw attention to your site, you can create any event.
ICO Arcona Features
The sale of crypt Arcona will be launched in the second quarter of 2018. Using this crypto currency, it will be possible to become the owner of digitized land and other digital assets. You can get tokens by completing the tasks specified in the Arcona system. Currently, the project is at the final stage of the Pre-ICO. The system of bonuses developed by specialists allows you to purchase tokens on favorable terms:
- purchase of 12,5 tokens - + 15% as a gift;
- purchase of 37,5 tokens - + 20% as a gift;
- purchase of 75 tokens - + 25% as a gift;
- purchase of 125 tokens - + 30% as a gift.
Today we have already managed to implement 3057 tokens. Share information on the sale of Arcona tokens, this can be earned. For the ICO, it is planned to release 125 000000 tokens. The cost of 1 token Arcona = 0,0025 ETH. It is recommended to buy crypto currency for the following reasons:
- Arcona technology is becoming increasingly popular;
- for the earnings with Arcona open unlimited opportunities;
- each token owner can become the creator of a new world;
- for participants ICO developed exclusive terms of cooperation.
ICO Arcona participants have a chance to win a digital plot of land. The first land auctions will be held in the largest megacities. At the same time, the minimum starting price for the best lots will be set. The Arcona token will be put into circulation in the second quarter of 2018.
Distribution of tokens
The Arcona tokens will be distributed as follows:
60% - for ICO
20% - for team members
20% - for the Arcona Foundation
2% - for a Bounty campaign
2% - for advisors
In the first quarter of 2018, a trial version of the SDK Arcona Core was tested. In addition, the marketplace has been launched, where tokens can be calculated. Also, attracting investors to design and create content will begin. In the second quarter of 2018, specialists will launch a prototype AR Viewer. Thanks to it, users will begin to actively use software for making crypto currency. At the end of 2018, a beta version of AR Viewer with the main functions will be launched. In 2019, the AR GRID system will be implemented in 10 the largest cities in the world.
Ilya Korguzalov - founder
Diana Sorina - Chief Manager
Tatiana Chernykh - responsible for research, PR
Alexey Emelyanov - Head of R&D
Alexey Zaulichny - technical director
Daniil Gyrdia - co-founder
The development of the Arcona project is carried out according to the planned plan. It was ranked among the top ten most promising startups in the world according to the Futur en Seine product festival in Paris. We can say that the Arcona ICO is a profitable way to invest. The value of Arcona tokens will increase in the future. Therefore, experienced investors have already invested in the acquisition of cryptocurrency.
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2324174.0
Website: https://www.arcona.io/ru/
Whitepaper: https://www.arcona.io/en/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/ARCONA-WP2912ru.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/arcona_ico
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arconaico/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arconaecosystem/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDGOL0ocSNQJPjYJBKHwi2K7s7emygPFh&disable_polymer=true
* Our BTT account - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1473358;sa=summa
March 2, 2018