A2B Taxi - the perfect service for a taxi order
For many, regular taxi rides are an integral part of life. At the same time, passengers want to feel safe as well as comfortable. Moving every laziness is a big problem for those who live in metropolitan areas. Many taxi clients go to neighboring cities on business issues. For people using taxi services in various countries, settlements on a permanent basis, it is very difficult to find a suitable taxi service. After all, this requires a considerable amount of time.
A2B Taxi - project features
Service A2B allows you to avoid the fears that are associated with serving taxi customers in megacities. This platform has created standards for customer service in the largest cities in Europe. Appendix A2B can be used by residents, guests of cities, whose population exceeds 500 thousand people. Using the services of the service, you can get high-quality taxi services with experienced drivers (provide services under a license). Unfortunately, in the modern industry this direction is not considered widespread. To pay for trips, special A2B tokens or a bank card can be used. Payment for services is carried out exclusively in electronic equivalent. As for drivers, they have a salary in A2B tokens. If necessary, the crypto currency can be exchanged for fiat funds.
Architecture A2B Taxi
The architecture of the system is based on the principle of microservices, each of which is responsible for its domain. The location of the micro services is planned for Microsoft Azure Service. The database, which will be used for full service, will be stored on the cloud Microsoft Azure. Web portals, mobile applications do not have access to micro services. The system uses the API gateway, which will become the only entry point for all clients. The API gateway performs processing in two ways:
- works as a proxy server (client service);
- performs queries for different domains, aggregates the available data, and then returns them to the client.
Prospects for A2B Taxi
The developers are confident that the A2B crypto currency will significantly increase the attractiveness of the services provided. It is taken into account that the Blockchain technology is very popular today. Experts have tried to create a system that unites drivers with customers. The first settlement where this application is planned to be launched will be Vilnius (Lithuania). After the completion of the implementation of the crypto currency, creation of the software, the A2B Taxi service will start operating in other cities. The following requirements are imposed on full-time employees:
- experience of driving;
- drivers should have a decent appearance;
- when communicating with the client, employees must be sociable.
A uniform standard of service will be established in all cities. Thanks to this, all users of A2B Taxi will be able to assess the high professionalism of drivers, the promptness of processing applications, acceptable prices for the services provided.
Transformation of the taxi market with A2B Taxi
As a rule, every modern person loves comfort. Therefore, taxis often prefer public transport. Unlike the metro or shuttle bus, which move only along the route, at a low speed, the taxi provides increased comfort, efficiency and the ability to get to the entrance of your own house. The carried out estimations testify that the global taxi market has a cost of 100 billion dollars.
The developers have created a platform that greatly simplifies the process of searching, calling a car. A2B Taxi is a platform where drivers use their own vehicles. Customers, in turn, can order transport in just a few clicks. For this, geolocation is used. A2B Taxi is committed to complete market transformation using Blockchain technology.
The A2B Taxi service allows interested parties to use free services. To do this, it is sufficient to use the platform based on the A2B Taxi token. Investors can profit from trading tokens. After all, with time the cost of A2B Taxi tokens will increase.
Attractive conditions for A2B Taxi users
At the launch level, payment of trips to A2B tokens will be well rewarded (a discount for travel to 30% will be provided). In addition, travel can be paid by using a card. The method of payment by credit card will be active only for a certain period of time. When the platform is gaining popularity, only A2B Taxi-tokens will be used to pay for taxi services. To fix existing complaints, the A2B Taxi service creates a special call center. Its employees will handle complaints, conduct analysis, and identify not enough professional drivers.
Token A2B Taxi
In total, it is planned to issue 500 million Taxi tokens (the cost of one token is 0,1 US dollars). During the first sale (it will be private) 10% of tokens are planned to be sold at a discount of 25%. Accordingly, the price of one token will be 0,075 US dollar. After that, the developers plan to hold the first public sale. The tenth part of the tokens will be sold at a discount of 15%. In this case, the token will cost only 0,085 US dollar. In addition, two more sales will be announced: Public SALE 10, and Public SALE 5. In the process of carrying out these programs, the tokens will be sold at a discount of 10% and 5%. The unit cost of crypto currency in this case will be 0,09 US dollars, as well as 0,095 US dollars (respectively).
The owners of A2B Taxi tokens, who purchased them during the pre-sale or basic ICO, receive free trips (quarterly) as a bonus. Markers for free travel are provided automatically. The acquisition of A2B Taxi tokens during the ICO A2B Taxi can be carried out with the help of BTC, ETH, and USD, EUR.
Distribution of tokens
50% - ICO
15% - company reserve
10% - for private sale
10% - onboarding
6% - for the A2B Taxi team
4% - to advisors
3% - bonuses for the best drivers
2% - for project promotion
Thomas Pelekas - founder
Vytautas Kaseta - Blockchain Specialist
Serkan Saylik - Responsible for control of business processes
Aiste Weberaite - Communications Manager
Thomas Stasiulevikus - art director
Mindaugas Songaila - web designer
Vilius Virbikas - legal consultant
Diana Urboniene - lawyer, financier
To develop, test the service specialists need 9 months. After the launch, the A2B Taxi service will operate exclusively in Vilnius for the first 3 months. During this time, it will be possible to know the preferences of customers, to analyze the trends in the behavior of customers. After the detection of errors, work will be carried out to eliminate them, improve the platform. A little later, the service will start working in other European cities. Once a month a new city will be added. In order to start the A2B Taxi service in all planned cities, specialists will need to work 2 years.
From the first quarter of 2018, A2B Taxi tokens can be exchanged. In the same period, developers conduct the final stages of development of service, testing. Over the next months, experts plan to gradually add cities in which the A2B Taxi program will operate (Warsaw, Vilnius, as well as Palermo, Amsterdam, St. Petersburg).
The A2B Taxi service allows interested persons to use the available taxi services using their crypto currency. At the same time, investors can trade tokens, make profit on the exchange of crypto currency. Users need to remember that unused A2B Taxi tokens will be written off quarterly. This suggests that if users do not exchange the crypto currency in the market or apply it to pay for transportation services, the A2B Taxi tokens will be lost.
ANN Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3034380.0;all
Website: https://a2btaxi.io/
Whitepaper: https://a2btaxi.io/pdf/whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/a2btaxitoken/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/a2btaxitoken
Telegram: https://t.me/a2btaxitoken
Linkedin: http://qoo.by/467V
Reddt: https://www.reddit.com/r/A2BTaxiToken/
* Our BTT account - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1473358;sa=summa
March 7, 2018
Thank you, Igor!