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Monaize - your mobile wallet

The blockade still has to make a significant breakthrough in the field of payment solutions. Some aspects, such as technical limitations and lack of integration, hinder the ability to attract new users. (Further…)

EGold platform - a breakthrough in e-betting

Service eGold It was created to unite the fans of eSports. Users can choose the most suitable, attractive events for betting on the platform. Thanks to the thoughtful, convenient structure of the service, users are offered to bet on Hearthstone, CS, as well as DOTA 2, WoW and other games. (Further…)

Pitch - convenient service for sale, purchase of tokens

With the development of decentralized technologies, the old methods of generating profitable, successful enterprises are becoming obsolete, becoming inefficient. In this case, entrepreneurs begin to look for new ways of realizing the goals, tasks. (Further…)

BABB - a revolution in banking

BABB Is a decentralized banking platform that uses all possible reserves and the integration of digital currencies around the world. With the help of machine learning, a distributed accounting register and biometrics, it became possible to create a new bank, global and decentralized, that can service and expand the capabilities of individuals and legal entities in a way that traditional banks simply can not. (Further…)

Park easily and quickly with the service PARKGENE

Platform PARKGENE offers all users a simple, convenient method of searching for parking. The service unites companies, drivers, as well as individuals. Thanks to a professional approach, it will be possible to alleviate the lives of not only drivers, but also pedestrians. The main goal of the PARKGENE team is to optimize the entire stage of parking, as well as to bring the business to a new, more modern level. (Further…)