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Manual for the beginner in the HYIP industry

If you can learn to practice the basic secrets of working with high-yield investment program, you will be able to significantly increase the chance of polozhitelnyyiskhod in the game. We collected the errors that are most common among novice investors. And so, a few things that need to pay attention, if you choose to work with HYIPs.


Fasti or long-term projects?

What is HYIP choose: short-term and long-term HYIPs

If you work in the HYIP industry or just starting her interested in, then you must have heard about such concepts as "short-term" and "long-term" HYIP. To begin, consider these concepts in more detail. (Further…)

Identifying the weak high-yield investment program.

Many argue that it is impossible to work in the HYIP. In fact it is no more than a myth, to work in this industry could and should be. Of course, this is very much a work in the field you are setting yourself up for a very big risk, but having the knowledge in this field, you can not only get away in the negative, but also make good money. Although to date there has been some decline in the HYIP industry, still make money on this passive method is still possible. (Further…)

The nuances of determining the current state of high-yield investment program

It's not a secret that successful investing in HYIPs process depends on several factors. The first - is the choice of the right HYIP, the second - the competent tracking process for HYIP.

On the choice of a reliable HYIP we have said more than once, but that's about the process of tracking the activity of HYIP worth discussing in detail. (Further…)

Stages of development of high-yield investment program

About HYIP industry has already been said a lot of words, despite the fact that today's industry is in a recession, yet mistakes made by new players who are at the same level. Many investors, knowing a lot of information about HYIP, do not know that their loss can be explained very simply, in many cases, not in time to make contributions or later left the game. (Further…)

The theory of cyclicity in the HYIP industry

Raising skillful strategists in ourselves, we have to feed ourselves not only with practical recommendations on how, where and when it is profitable to invest our precious savings, but also from time to time dilute this with far from superfluous theoretical reflections on the topic. Only by being theoretically savvy can you masterfully manage various financial situations in real life. The core of this article is the concept of "cycle", the adaptation of the cyclical theory to our investment world, as well as recommendations on how to make this theory work for you. (Further…)

One of the strategies of an investor in HYIPs is "hit-n-run"

In today's article, we will consider one of the most common strategies of modern investors - "hit-n-run", and see what consequences the massive, widespread use of this approach leads to. A comprehensive understanding of the industry will not only help clarify future prospects, but will also allow you to quickly and clearly build a comprehensive strategy based on the current situation. As you understand, the final result of the game depends on how correctly your line of behavior is built. (Further…)

Don't trust admins ...

Every day, a HYIP investor has to deal with tons of false and hardly plausible statements, suggestions and other virtual vibrations coming from our friends and, at the same time, dangerous enemies, admins. In general, if you judge so, the entire industry is built on total mutual deception, which, however, cannot be considered a grave sin, since everything that happens here is quite transparent and fully realized by both sides. The industry continues to exist for those who have studied its laws and began to live and act according to its laws. You can earn money here, and many people do it quite well, knowledge and experience are their main artifacts ... (Further…)

News review: 27.10.2013g

The week passed quite calmly. Powerful projects were not seen on the horizon, and if it were not for Lestrange's scam, who ruined the mood of many, everything would be stable and rosy. Let's go over the main events of the week ... (Further…)

Project overview

AlianceMore and more admins complain that the industry is not the same as before. Investors are less and less, the speed is falling, the monitors are more impudent, and in general earlier everything was much better (the sun is brighter, the grass is greener ...) At the same time, they omit the moment that, together with the decrease in speed, the quality of the projects they created Terms of work), and it is still unknown - which of these trends is primary. The investor can be understood - very few people will incur money in HYIPs made "on the knee", having previously lost their blood in a pair of quickstacks. Fortunately, there were admins who do not complain about their "hard" life, but simply keep the bar. To date, really high-quality projects in the industry can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and today I would like to take a closer look at one of them ... (Further…)

Project overview

telecomAfter the summer giants of the industry giants: GAMMy, VladimirFX, Aksi - the section of low-percentage was empty. On the one hand, investor confidence was fundamentally undermined by the synchronous closing of projects, on the other, objectively, there were no decent low-interest groups, which can be trusted with their own blood at a relatively small percentage. But the niche can not potentially remain free for a long time, and new promising projects come on the scene. Of course, talk about their consistency, given the relatively low interest rates, can only be after several months of good work. Let's take a closer look at one interesting company ... (Further…)

21.10.2013g - Instant withdrawal of funds in HYIPs

This article focuses on one of the most common types of payments - "dungeon." Many pet, accustomed to the eyes and ears, but despite a number of visual benefits, still pregnant with many dangers. About that, what is so terrible for the investor instant payments - on.

In general, payments for hyip projects are made in three different ways: manually (manual), automatically (automatic), or instantly (instant). Automatic payments are provided by special systems configured for a specific time of payments (daily, once a week, or at the end of the term). HYIPs with this type of payments are quite rare. "Manual" payments involve the transfer of interest to the investor's account within 24, maximum - 48 hours. This means that the administrator personally processes requests for withdrawal of funds and transfers money independently, manually. Instant payments (instant) are characterized by extreme efficiency and mathematical accuracy. The money comes to the depositor's account, literally within a few seconds after pressing the "Withdraw" button, in extreme cases - within 5-10 minutes. (Further…)

News review: 20.10.2013g

This week has been more or less evenly in the industry. Autumn leaves its mark: in the section all the intermediaries is also very close - I think that trend will last until December, as usual New Year will make their adjustments and will eliminate all non-serious admins. Be prepared for this. A worthy of your attention mullion, we launched a new section, an unexpected scum on the quality of the project has spoiled the overall impression ... (Further…)

20.10.2013g - Review project

dorneck districtPlans with interest included in daily payments are very popular with investors - investment risks are reduced, the funds "frozen" in the project are quickly released, an illusion of a greater percentage is created. Undoubtedly, such plans, especially for short periods, are more pleasant to the investor than the classical ones (with the return of the deposit at the end of the deposit term). But you need to understand that for the admin plans are not the most convenient - you have to pay a large percentage of monitors (by listing), so you need a big "airbag". Let's look at one of the interesting middles who have already successfully completed one round ... (Further…)